{"id":3603,"date":"2016-02-17T12:02:20","date_gmt":"2016-02-17T17:02:20","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.scarboromissions.ca\/?page_id=3603"},"modified":"2023-07-29T18:22:19","modified_gmt":"2023-07-29T23:22:19","slug":"interfaith-toolkits","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.scarboromissions.ca\/interfaith-dialogue\/curriculum-resources\/interfaith-toolkits","title":{"rendered":"Interfaith Toolkits"},"content":{"rendered":"

200 quotations\u00a0<\/b>\u2013 Interfaith Dialogue<\/a><\/h3>\n

This collection of 200 dialogue and dialogue-related quotations is gathered from a wide range of sources\u00a0\u2013\u00a0ancient and modern. This anthology touches on numerous issues including diversity, pluralism, unity, global consciousness, anti-racism, justice, transformation and listening. You will find these quotations to be useful for group reflection, writing projects, workshops, conferences and as a permanent reference document.<\/p>\n

Guidebook to Interreligious Dialogue<\/a><\/h3>\n

This comprehensive guidebook\u00a0illuminates the uses, methods, and benefits of interreligious dialogue in a general and accessible way. This guide encourages readers \u2013 from beginners to experienced dialogue practitioners \u2013 to reach out to their communities to initiate cooperation across religious, cultural and institutional boundaries.<\/p>\n

Guidelines for organizing interfaith meetings<\/a><\/h3>\n

If you are planning to organize an interfaith meeting, you will find this resource helpful. Among the many issues addressed by its 13 guidelines are hospitality, listening, community-building, physical space, silence, respectful presence, dialogue etiquette, prayer and ritual<\/p>\n

Curriculum for a three-day interfaith workshop<\/a><\/h3>\n

This comprehensive outline enables an individual or group to plan and facilitate a 72-hour interfaith workshop. The curriculum provides very specific and practical activities in areas such as spiritual practice, group facilitation, story-telling, community-building and respectful presence.<\/p>\n

A do-it-yourself workshop outline for chaplains and spiritual care-givers<\/a><\/h3>\n

This workshop enables chaplains and other spiritual leaders to address the various cultural and religious dilemmas and challenges that one encounters in our pluralistic hospitals, correctional institutions and long-term care centers. The workshop is also helpful to people who are not spiritual care-givers \u2013 included in this resource are some challenging scenarios that are found in the larger societal fabric e.g. interfaith marriage, prayer in the public domain, government funding of religious schools.<\/p>\n

Practical pointers for interfaith dialogue \u2013 the United Kingdom experience<\/a><\/h3>\n

This handy interfaith toolkit is full of useful resources and provides a bird\u2019s eye view of interfaith activity in the United Kingdom. Themes touched on include why dialogue<\/i>?, dialogue practicalities, dialogue on difficult issues, dialogue over food, limits to dialogue and\u00a0bi-lateral, tri-lateral & multi-lateral dialogue.<\/p>\n

Constructing a local multifaith network<\/a><\/h3>\n

This information kit enables Australians to start a multifaith network in their local communities. The introduction details why it is necessary to build multifaith networks across Australia. A \u201cHow-to-do-it\u201d section outlines numerous activities that can be organized within local multifaith networks. Also included is a local-to-global listing of interfaith organizations, resources and websites.<\/p>\n

Discussion Starter<\/a><\/h3>\n

This discussion starter is a handy tool for raising consciousness in the realms of diversity, pluralism and equity. It can be used for individual and group reflection or as a way of opening an interfaith event.\u00a0 If one is really creative, one can develop it into a full workshop.\u00a0 (Word version<\/a>)<\/p>\n

An Online Course to Create Deep Dialogue<\/a><\/h3>\n

By way of this self-paced course, an individual can improve her\/his capacity to:<\/p>\n

  1. Define dialogue, and apply it to one\u2019s daily life.<\/li>\n
  2. Use critical thinking about an issue of importance.<\/li>\n
  3. Demonstrate increased knowledge of one\u2019s own worldview and that of another person.<\/li>\n
  4. Recognize the difference between a stereotype and a generalization and learn to deconstruct a stereotype to defuse prejudice and construct useful, respectful generalizations.<\/li>\n
  5. Act with creativity and compassion.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    Tips for interfaith families: How to make a seder inclusive<\/a><\/h3>\n

    Unlike most Jewish holidays, Passover is observed primarily in the home. And the Passover seder, or ritual meal that marks the start of the festival, is that Jewish holiday with the highest participation rate. An important Jewish value is to invite strangers to the seder which celebrates freedom. These nine guidelines are designed to enable non-Jews and interfaith families to feel more comfortable with the holiday\u2019s rituals and traditions.<\/p>\n

    Scriptural Reasoning \u2014 a group-based interfaith study of sacred texts<\/span><\/a><\/h3>\n

    Scriptural Reasoning<\/i> is a process in which small groups of Jews, Christians and Muslims, and sometimes people of other faiths, gather to read and reflect upon short passages from their scriptures.\u00a0\u201cOpening our sacred texts to others for conversation from the heart, and modeling a fellowship that sees difference as rich and illuminating\u201d fashions a relationship through the medium of sacred writings. Scriptural Reasoning\u2019s well-constructed website includes a number of guides and rich resources, including 24 \u201cText Bundles\u201d which offer brief scriptural readings from the three Abrahamic religions, with titles such as \u201cEncountering God\u201d, \u201cAbrahamic Hospitality\u201d, \u201cFasting\u201d and \u201cRefugees.\u201d\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

    Guidebook to address Islamophobia<\/a><\/h3>\n

    This guidebook contains a multitude of resources including articles derived from the media and other sources. There are references to guides and handbooks to assist Muslims to become aware of and assert their rights. Information is provided for Muslims and non-Muslims alike on various sources of Islamophobia and on ways of preventing and combating it. Books and articles are recommended for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of Islam, of religious freedom and of inter-religious respect. Also included are examples of interfaith activities intended to break down barriers and prejudices between religious groups.<\/p>\n

    Principles and guidelines for interfaith dialogue<\/a><\/h3>\n

    This compendium of concise and handy resources provides insight into the interfaith movement\u00a0and its treasure chest of wisdom and learning opportunities. The collection explores the goals, types and stages of dialogue and touches on issues such as interfaith etiquette, listening, peace-building, hospitality, respectful presence and dialogue-versus-debate. These principles and guidelines are useful for those who are new to interfaith as well as for veterans of interfaith work.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

    200 quotations\u00a0\u2013 Interfaith Dialogue This collection of 200 dialogue and dialogue-related quotations is gathered from a wide range of sources\u00a0\u2013\u00a0ancient and modern. This anthology touches on numerous issues including diversity, pluralism, unity, global consciousness, anti-racism, justice, transformation and listening. You will find these quotations to be useful for group reflection, writing projects, workshops, conferences and […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"parent":1071,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"template-interfaith-page.php","meta":{"footnotes":""},"class_list":["post-3603","page","type-page","status-publish","hentry"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.scarboromissions.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/3603"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.scarboromissions.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.scarboromissions.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/page"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.scarboromissions.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.scarboromissions.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=3603"}],"version-history":[{"count":13,"href":"https:\/\/www.scarboromissions.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/3603\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":8008,"href":"https:\/\/www.scarboromissions.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/3603\/revisions\/8008"}],"up":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.scarboromissions.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/1071"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.scarboromissions.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=3603"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}